Galerie Door special guest of Museum Jan Cunen

until 19 September 2021

Galerie Door is guest of Museum Jan Cunen in an exhibition called: ‘Jan Cunen stays at home’.
Museum Jan Cunen hosts a number of special guests in the middle of its own collection. In a room dedicated to the city of Oss as an archaeological treasure trove, Galerie Door responds to the ancient finds and remains of the oldest dress found in the Netherlands, with contemporary jewellery – made by (among others) Eva Burton, Maria Hees, Idiots (Afke Golsteijn, Floris Bakker) and Kun Zhang.
Learn more about the reconstructed dress in this link to a recent news item on Dutch National Television.

Check the museum’s website for the opening times.

On Sunday 8 August and on Saturday 21 August 2021, gallery owner Doreen Timmers herself will be present in the museum between 2 and 4 pm, with an additional selection of work. She takes you along the exhibition with stories about treasure chests and storerooms.

Hope to see you in Oss!

galerie door, Eva Burton, contemporary art