
27 August until 17 September 2023

The festive opening party will be held on Sunday 27 August 2023 from 3 to 6 pm
– you are most welcome to join us –

At the end of this summer Galerie Door will be hosting a thrilling exhibition titled COSMOS which is organized by The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design Wroclaw and contains art jewellery made by more than 100 international participating artists.
The project creators submit to its participants to use the literary output of Stanisław Lem, the great Polish artist: writer, philosopher and futurologist, as a source of inspiration. The project materialised a unique collection of objects of a broadly understood jewellery nature, in the form of a collection which will be presented successively in specially selected places.  The project originators hope that in the discourse of contemporary art, which in recent years was directed towards the past and the present, this statement, a look into the future, can become an important declaration to inspire also other artists to look in this direction, and therefore to have art and artists once again assume the role of a vanguard: the avant-garde of culture.

The Cosmos is a labyrinth made of labyrinths. Another one opens in each of them. That which we cannot reach ourselves, we reach by mathematics. (Stanisław Lem, “Fiasco”)

Man has gone out to explore other worlds and other civilizations without having explored his own labyrinth of dark passages and secret chambers, and without finding what lies behind doorways. (Stanisław Lem, “Solaris”)

Agata Danielak Kujda | Agata Nartowska | Agnieszka Tchórzewska | Aleksandr Emelin | Anastasiya Koroleva | Andrea Wippermann | Andrzej Pacak | Andrzej Szadkowski | Ania Goszczynska | Anna Dziekańska | Anna Gardziejewska | Anna Grigorieva | Anna Lopatkina | Bruce Metcalf | Cecilia Lopez Bravo | Daria Palujan | Darius Wojdyga | Diana & Vladislav Abramov Varyukhkin | Dominika Janowska | Dorota Nitza | Eeva Wornell | Egle Cejauskaite | Ekaterina Fedotova | Ekaterina Fornell | Ekaterina Komarova | Elena Gorbunova | Eulalia Dachowska Speil | Ewelina Furmankiewicz | Fania Kolaiti | Felicity Peters | Felieke van der Leest | Giedymin Jablonski | Heidemarie Herb | Helena Lehtinen | Helena Makrenek | Herman Hermsen | Holly Trusted | Honorata Martin | Ieva Birgele | Iveta Zdaniauskyte | Iwona Tamborska | Jakub Woynarowski | Jaroslaw Kolec | Jarosław Westermark | Jivan Astfalck | Joanna Michalicka | Judy McCaig | Karol Weisslechner | Katalin Jermakov | Katarzyna Siuzdak | Katarzyna Sobocka | Katerina Belkina | Katja Komarova | Katja Prins | Kelly McCallum | Krisztina Stomfai | Ksenia Shinkovska | Laima Keriene | Lieta Marziali | Łukasz Łowiec-Wygoński | Lynne Speake | Maciej Brewczyk, Anna Kiszka | Magdalena Skrolecka | Magdalena Szadkowska | Malgorzata Warlikowska | Manon van Kouswijk | Manuel Vilhena | Marek Nowaczyk | Mari Ishikawa | Maria Mamkayeva | Marta Mattsson | Matti Mattsson | Max Seibald | Misato Takahashi | Mona Wallstrom | Nanna Melland | Natalya Tarasova | Paulina Melko | Pavel Timofeyev | Petra Zimmermann | Pierre Cavalan | Piotr Jedrzejewski | Ramon Puig Cuyas | Robert Bogdanowicz, Mateusz Ficek, Mattia Pierpaoli | Rogulus | Ruudt Peters | Sari Liimatta | Sergiusz Kuchczynski | Silvia Bellia | Slawa Tchorzewska | Sławomir Fijałkowski | Stelarc | Svetlana Subbotina | Tamara Trusova | Tarja Tuupanen | Tatiana Kolodnova | Taylor Dunivan | Tim Carson | Urszula Goldasz | Vera Santos | Victoria Muenzker | Vita Pukstaite Bruze

Agata Danielak-Kujda | Giedymin Jabłoński


We are looking forward to welcoming you!


opening hours
Sunday 27 August 2023 from 15.00 – 18.00 hrs (opening)
Thursdays from 18.00 – 20.00 hrs
Fridays and Saturdays from 11.00 – 18.00 hrs

visiting address
Versantvoorstraat 1 (entrance – Pastoor van Haarenstraat)
5464 TL Mariaheide
The Netherlands



Galerie Door art jewellery COSMOS Lem Jewellery - object by Elena Gorbunova
Galerie Door art jewellery COSMOS Lem Jewellery - object by Elena Gorbunova